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Cofran's Texas . . .
Hill Country Portal
A Powerful Information Database & Gateway Service for the Texas Hill Country

City Profile For:
Pronounced: "BAN-dare-ah"
"The Cowboy Capital of the World"
Population (2015e): 877COL Index (2008): 80.1Elevation: 1,258 ftArea: 1.2 smCounty: Bandera
Zip Code: 78003Area Code: 830Time Zone: CST
Coordinates: 29° 43' 33" N, 99° 4' 30" W
Location: 40 mi NW of San Antonio; 25 mi SW of Boerne;
25 mi S of Kerrville; 13 mi SE of Medina
Highways: TX-16, TX-173Creeks: Rivers: MedinaLakes: Hiawatha
Quick Link To: Directory Listings In This Town

- City Of Bandera: 830-796-3765
511 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
a href="//" target="_blank">
- Bandera County Chamber Of Commerce:
1158 TX-16 S, Ste F, Bandera, TX 78003,
- Bandera Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB):
126 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003,

- Bandera Business Association (BBA):
210-218-7935; 830-796-3616,
PRINCIPAL BUSINESS: Tourism, shopping, night life, live music, dude ranches and camps, motorcycling
MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: See full details in Directory below.
- Cowboy Capital: Bandera goes all out with rodeos, cowboy festivals & prolific events. There are and even cowboy actors on the downtown streets dressed as they did in the old dusty days (complete with six-shooters and real horses), who mingle with the visitors on the streets and in the saloons and venues. And longhorn cattle also in the streets that you can ride. With the saloons, live entertainment and open concept, this town is so much fun that it is very popular with motorcyclists and every tourist. Ye-Haa!
- Dude Ranches & Horseback Riding: Texas Travel Video. Hitch a hayride to breakfast, rustle up some grub and live the cowboy life. See full list at Dude, and Horse Riding
- Golf Courses: Flying L Golf Course. See Golf
- Frontier Times Museum: Artifacts, history, and fun events.
- Outdoor Recreation: See our Portal focus pages on: Hunting & Fishing, Tubing & Paddling, Motorcycling
- Polly's Chapel: Built in 1882 by Jose Policarpo Rodriguez, this picturesque church still stands in the tree-covered hills of Bandera County on Privilege Creek. Rodriguez, known as "Polly," was born in Mexico and came to Texas with his father as a child. He became famous as a scout for the U.S. Army, a guide, a hunter and a minister. He joined the Methodist Church and was licensed as a Methodist preacher. He built this tiny chapel with his own hands. A short distance from the chapel is a well-tended graveyard where Polly is buried. Chapel usually open. Off TX-16 about 6 mi SE of town.
- Texas State Park - Hill Country State Natural Area: A truly beautiful, hilly area, with lots of fun events such as trail riding on horseback, hikiing, camping, star gazing and more. Don't miss it!
- Scenic Drives: On all the roads around beautiful Bandera there are excellent views.

Some of the very nearby attractions include:
- Boerne: Agricultural Heritage Center; Cascade Caverns; Cave Without A Name; Cibolo Nature Center; Enchanted Springs Ranch; Historic Downtown Boerne; Golf
- Camp Verde: Camp Verde General Store
- Comfort: Comfort Historic District; Shopping; Vineyards; Golf; Monument; Bat Roost; Comfort Museum
- Kerrville: Hill Country Museum; Museum Of Western Art; Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater; Hill Country Youth Orchestras; Kerr Arts & Cultural Center; Playhouse 2000; Riverside Nature Center
- Medina: Apple Capital
- Medina Lake Area: Lake Recreation
- Concan: Garner State Park
- Helotes/San Antonio: Government Canyon State Natural Area, 210-688-9055; 12861 Galm Rd. Government Canyon. 15 mi SE of the Lakehills/Medina Lake area; in the NW corner of San Antonio, and just outside the Hill Country
- Kerrville: Kerrville-Schreiner Park (county)
- Medina Lake Area: Avalon Park; Bandera County Park at Lakehills
- Vanderpool: Lost Maples State Natural Area

- Bandera City Park: 1102 Maple St, along the Medina River. Admission charged on summer weekends.
- Hill Country State Natural Area: Opened in 1983, this remains as an undeveloped and secluded retreat. Approximately 40 mi of multi-use trails wind up grassy valleys, cross spring-fed streams, and climb steep limestone hills. Backcountry setting for activities such as primitive camping, backpacking, mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding, flora and fauna observation, and limited swimming (3 designated swimming areas are on West Verde Creek). Moderate fishing opportunities. Various adjacent ranches offer horse rentals, tours, and other accommodations through the Natural Area. For information call Bandera County Convention and Visitors bureau: 800-364-3883; 830-796-4413; At 10600 Bandera Creek Rd, Bandera
- Mansfield Park: 830-796-4197; 2886 TX-16, just W of downtown., Map
WEATHER: Local Weather; Hill Country-wide Weather
MEDIA COVERAGE: See full details in Directory below.
- On-Line News: Google News
- Newspaper: Bandera County Courier: 830-796-9799,, Weekly newspaper published Thur
- Newspaper: (The) Bandera Bulletin: 830-796-3718,, Weekly newspaper published Wed
- Radio Station: KEEP, 98.3, 103.1, FM: Bandera, TX 78003.
- On-line Bandera Radio:
HISTORY: Handbook of Texas Online: "A townsite plat for the settlement, designated county seat at the formation of Bandera County in 1856, was filed with the first county commissioners' court that year by John James, Charles DeMontel, and John Herndon. The site, on a cypress-lined bend of the Medina River, had been occupied by Indians, then by white campers making shingles. The town and county were named for nearby Bandera Pass. The founders formed a partnership in 1853 to build a town and water-powered lumber mill. They recruited immigrant workers from Upper Silesia by way of the Polish colony in Karnes County. These workers arrived in 1855, and each family received purchase rights to town lots and farmland.
The presence of the United States Cavalry at Camp Verde after 1856 encouraged increased activity and settlement. Bandera served the needs of the military and of settlers who took up small holdings in the area. After the Civil War the town boomed as a staging area for cattle drives up the Western Trail. Farm boys became cowboys. Ranchers built holding pens and signed on as trail bosses. Storekeepers contracted as outfitters. Cotton was a commercial crop during this period. An ornate courthouse begun in 1890 announced prosperity from the town square. For local stockraisers, sheep and goats proved more profitable on the shallow limestone soil than cattle, but not until 1920 did the Bandera County Ranchers and Farmers Association organize cooperative storage and marketing of wool and mohair.
The local economy declined after 1900; a series of floods destroyed sawmills, gins, and businesses, and the cattle drives ceased. Until the San Antonio highway was constructed in 1936 Bandera remained relatively inaccessible. Other roads remained unpaved as late as the 1950s.
In 1920 Cora and Ed Buck began taking summer boarders at their ranch on Julian Creek. Other families soon advertised for guests, and by the 1930s Bandera had become well known as a resort offering riverside camps, restaurants, dance halls, and rodeos to complement surrounding dude ranches.
Bandera was incorporated in 1964. A Medina River flood in 1978 caused heavy loss of life and property and emphasized the necessity for strict control of the floodplain. In 1988 state and city officials joined in proposing that most of the floodplain within the city be made open parkland. Although Bandera County's population almost doubled after 1970, the population of Bandera has varied little; it has remained in the range of 1,000 since 1928. In 1988 the town had a population of 1,012 and seventy rated businesses, including crafts stores, medical and veterinary clinics, a sawmill, a weekly newspaper, the county library, seven churches, and the Frontier Times Museum. Bandera offers opportunities for tourism, camping, horse racing, and dude ranching. The population was 877 in 1990 and grew to 957 in 2000."
Per legend, the town was named for nearby Bandera Pass; others say it is named after a Mexican general.
Background Article: Bandera
HISTORICAL MARKERS: See Texas Historical Commission's Historic Sites Atlas: Includes interactive map plus detailed descriptions of historical markers, cemeteries, museums, all searchable by county.
CEMETERIES: See THC Historic Sites Atlas above.
AVAILABLE SERVICES: Gas: yes; Convenience Stores: yes; Restaurants: yes; Lodging: yes; Grocery Stores: yes; Banks: yes; Vehicle Repair: yes; Hospital: no; Med Clinic: yes; Post Office: yes; Public Schools: yes; Cemetery: yes
OTHER PROFILES: City Data; Texas Escapes; Wikipedia
We welcome inquiries, comments and submission of updates, additions, corrections
& digital photos, without compensation. Send to:

A: Accommodations-Lodging; Antiques; Artists; Automotive B: Bakeries; Banks; Bars/Taverns; Bed & Breakfast; Beverages; Brokers-Agents (Real Estate); C: Churches; D: Day Spas; Dining; Dude Ranches; E: Emergencies; Entertainment; F:; G: Galleries; Golf Courses; Government; Guest Houses; H:; Healthcare; Home & Ranch Improvement Centers; Horses, Riding, Stables, Suppies; Hotlines For Emergencies; Hunting; I:; J:; K:; L:; Lodging; M: Meat Processing; Medical Miscellaneous Goods & Services; Motels; Museums; N: Non-Profit & Public Service Organizations; O:; P:; Pets Q: Quilting; R: Real Estate Firms-Agents; Repair Services-Supplies Restaurants-Dining-Beverages-Entertainment; Retail Shopping;
RV Parks-Sales-Services;
S: Schools; Septic Systesm; Summer Camps; T: Taxidermy; U: Utilities;
V:; Veterinarians; W: X:; Y:; Z:
COUNTRY ACCENTS ANTIQUES: 830-535-4979; 8312 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. (toward Pipe Creek).
JODYDIDIT ANTIQUES & STUFF: 830-796-1410; 3845 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
(The) RUSTIC COURTYARD - RANCH DRESSINGS: 830-796-3160; 300 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Antiques, art, home decor.
WESTERN TRAIL ANTIQUES & MARKETPLACE: 830-796-3838; 200 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
11TH STREET MERCANTILE: 830-796-3206; 313 11th St, Bandera, TX 78003
ART 4U IN BANDERA: 575-551-2468; 159 Enchanted River Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. Classes and workshops in painting, sculpture, drawing and watercolor, plus do-it-yourself group art sessions.
BANDERA ART & ARTISANS GALLERY: 830-796-4243; 403 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA COUNTY ARTISTS ASSOCIATION: Contact: Patricia Schieber, 830-796-3059
(The) SHEEPWALK RANCH: 949-400-4225; 5305 TX-173 N, Bandera, TX 78003. Ranch and fiber arts studio; classes. Suzoo's Wool & Works. Annual Texas Wool Week festival. Annual Makers Faire & Wintermarkt
A&A PRO AUTO: 830-796-3338; 539 Dallas St, Bandera, TX 78003. Automotive repair
BANDERA AUTO SOLUTIONS: 830-796-7201; 1310 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERA CHEVROLET: 830-460-8415; Bandera TX 78003
BANDERA PAINT-BODY: 830-796-4004; 2692 TX-16, Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERA TIRE SHOP: 830-796-7231; 614 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
BOB BOMBER CHEVROLET: 830-460-3034; TX-16 E, Bandera, TX 78003
C & D POWERSPORTS: 830-328-5030; 714 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
CONESTOGA CARS: 830-796-4533; 3643 TX-16 S, Bandera TX 78003
HEIMER DIESEL & AUTOMOTIVE: 830-796-8961; 3960 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
KM AUTO SALES: 830-460-7660; 2018 TX-16 N, Bandera TX 78003
LAWLIS AUTO SUPPLY: 830-796-3759; 2384 State TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Retail auto parts
MAIN STREET TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE: 830-796-3723; 808 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
ROLLIN AUTO: 830-522-3125; 345 Broad Oak Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. Used vehicle sales
TEXAS STREET CUSTOMS: 830-796-7186; 775 Houston St, Bandera, TX 78003.
TRIPP'S APPLIANCE & TIRE: 830-796-3641; 407 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
VINCENT'S AUTOMOTIVE: 830-796-9594; 2625 TX-16, Bandera, TX 78003
3 MONKEY'S MOTORCYCLE & ATV REPAIR: 830-460-9157; 243 TX-173 N, Bandera, TX 78003., Facebook
BANDERA BANK: 830-796-3711; 207 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERA FIRST STATE BANK: 830-796-3100; 800 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
HONDO NATIONAL BANK: 830-796-3333; 355 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
TEXAS AG FINANCE: 800-950-8563; 830-796-9201; 3272 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
TEXAS HILL COUNTRY BANK: 830-796-3100; 800 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
WELLS FARGO BANK: 900 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
ARKEY BLUE'S SILVER DOLLAR SALOON: 830-796-8826; 308 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. Historic country western dance hall and saloon. Shoot pool, pinball machine, dancing on sawdust dance floor. Music Fri & Sat; acoustic jam session on Sat at 3p
BOOTS-N-SADDLES: 210-749-9227; 715 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. Saloon, dancehall, pool tables, beer, cocktails, DJ & live music
BRICK'S RIVER CAFE: 830-460-3200; 1205 Main St, Bandera, TX 78006. Live music on deck. Picker's circle
CABARET CAFE & DANCE HALL: 830-796-8166; 801 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Web. Historic location for live entertainment and dancing.
FIVE MILE CREEK SALOON: 830-796-8585; 6150 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
KICKBACK KORNER: 830-796-4496; 402 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. Sports bar, food, live music
MORGAN'S TAVERN: 830-796-9606; 700 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
NEW FRONTIER: 830-796-3344; 703 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
OLD FORGE: 830-796-7144; 807 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Entertainment, Live music Fri-Sat. Call for schedule.
RED HORSE SALOON: 210-749-9227; 2440 TX-16, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
WILD HORSE SALOON: 830-796-3615; 134 River Bend Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. Live music, karaoke, pool tables
11th STREET COWBOY BAR: 830-796-4849; 307 11th St, Bandera, TX 78003. Dinner, beer, live entertainment, live country western music and dancing, Sun afternoon Jam Sessions
BANDERA BREWERY: 830-522-2246; 3540 TX-16, #2A, Bandera, TX 78003. Small batch brewery. Open Thurs-Sun. Typically have live music/entertainment on Fri-Sat, and food trucks. Trivia nights, karaoke.

BANDERA CHURCH OF CHRIST: 830-796-4752; POB 873, Bandera, TX 78003.

BANDERA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 830-796-3849; 1103 Cedar, Bandera, TX 78003.,

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH: 830-796-4171; 1302 Pecan St, Bandera, TX 78003.

LIVING SPRINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD: 830-796-7932; 151 Purple Sage Rd, Bandera, TX 78003.

Also food pantry
RIDIN' THE RIVER COWBOY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 830-460-0710; 5767 TX-173 N, Bandera, TX 78003., Facebook

ST. CHRISTOPHER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: 830-796-4387; 408 TX-173 N, Bandera, TX 78003.

DIXIE DUDE RANCH: 830-796-7771; 800-375-9255; 830-796-7771; 833 Dixie Dude Ranch Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. Traditional dude ranch with 20 units in cabins and lodge. 725 acre working stock ranch. Longhorn breeders. Horseback trail-riding, advanced rides, and arena for lessons. Pool, hot tub, fishing, playground, basketball, volleyball, horseshoes, hiking and nature trails. Cowboy breakfasts, bonfires, cookouts, hayrides and Western entertainment, authentic ranch experience. Overnight trail rides and Native American spiritual/vision quests. Historic barn and Range War cemetery. Bandera's oldest since 1937. Full American Plan.
FLYING L GUEST RANCH & RESORT: 830-460-3001; 800-292-5134; 566 Flying L Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. 86 Texas-sized suites and condos, many with fireplaces. Hill country cuisine in a western style resort. Horseback riding along San Julian Creek and through the hills. Family activities include fishing, hayrides, swimming, tennis, basketball and 18-hole championship golf course with driving range. Petting corral, playground. Campfire and s'mores each night. 3-acre water park, fitness center, and putt-putt golf course.
HALF MOON RANCH: 830-796-8577; 4423 FM-2828, Bandera, TX 78003. Horse boarding and training on 33 acre ranch, with 34 covered stalls, round pens, close to state park and trails, full/part/overnight boarding, temporary trailer parking. Special "Cowboy Town Campfire Series", with chuck wagon supper, campfire, live music, poetry, stories, equine entertainment, trail rides, emporium & cantina, and more. No web site.
HILL COUNTRY EQUESTRIAN LODGE: 830-796-7950; 1580 Hay Hollar Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. Luxury accommodations in secluded cabins with limestone fireplaces. Overnight boarding for guest horses. Private rides and riding instruction available on lodge's horses. Clinics. Adjoins Hill Country State Natural Area. 6,000 acre ranch. Wildlife viewing, hiking, mountain biking. 10 minutes from golf, shopping, dining and entertainment in Bandera.
LH7 RANCH: 830-796-4314; TX-16, Bandera, TX 78003. Just E of town. Nine limestone cottages with Heat & AC, equipped kitchens on 1,200 acre working longhorn ranch. Lodge with fireplace, pool. 14 RV hookups/electric & water. Primitive camp sites lakeside and riverside. 50 acre fishing lake for guests. Bring your own horse. Longhorn Ranch Tours for groups and individuals. Birding Tours available. Group picnics, celebrations and weddings.
MAYAN DUDE RANCH: 830-796-3312; 350 Mayan Ranch Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. 68 rooms in cottages or lodges, some with fireplaces, VCR's & microwaves. Full American Plan. 350 acres, Medina River for swimming, fishing, tubing. Morning and afternoon trail rides along the Medina River and surrounding hills. Pool, tubing, tennis courts, volleyball, basketball, horseshoes, nature trails, barbecues, hayrides, steakfrys, cowboy breakfast cooked on the trail. General Store. Conference Center. Children's activities during summer & holidays. Golf nearby.
MEDINA RIVER RANCH RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER: 832-262-2805; 1515 Old Castroville Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. Home to some of the finest hunting action you will ever experience along with upscale luxury accommodations. A scenic serenity located 6 mi outside of historic Bandera. Developed to provide guests with the highest quality adventures possible while participating in all types of different events. Corporate meetings & hunts, family vacations, and couple get-a-ways are a few of their services. Others enjoy pursuing native or exotic game on exhilarating hunts that can go on for a few days but last a lifetime. Hunting and leisure packages available. Year round exotic game hunting, fishing, wildlife safari, horseback riding, skeet shooting, wave runners, pontoon boat, ATV's. Rustic Texas ranch style accommodations in four cottages for hunters, vacationers, and corporate groups. Full amenities.
PURPLE SAGE RANCH CONFERENCE CENTER & RETREAT: 800-373-0931 or 830-796-7703; 756 Purple Sage Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. 500 acre corporate conference and meeting facility with over 3,000 square feet of meeting space complete with conference tables, ergonomic chairs, audio/visual equipment, meeting supplies, continuous beverages and snacks. Suited for corporate outings up to 100 with lodging for 60 in 8 cabins and 2 lodges. Customized menus. Pool, exercise room, horseback riding, skeet shooting.
RANCHO CORTEZ: 830-796-9339; 866-797-9339 or 830-796-9339; 872 Hay Hollar Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. 15 deluxe suites and bunkhouse with porches, 2 RV spaces, pool & outdoor spa, lodge, and dining room. Adjacent to Hill Country State Natural Area for trail rides. Guests can choose between ranch packages and fitness packages. 40+ miles of trails. Rides can be scheduled for one to two hours or longer. Riding lessons.
RUNNING-R GUEST RANCH: 830-796-3984; 9059 Bandera Creek Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. 14 western-style cabins. Horseback riding for beginners and advanced riders from 1 to 5 hours, direct access to 5,500 acre Hill Country State Natural Area, arena for riding lessons. Guests may also bring their own horses. Pool, bar-b-ques, campfires, cowboy breakfasts, hayrides, biking, hiking. Lodge with open fireplace, TV/video and pool table. Breakfast & lunch served.
SHADOW DANCE RANCH: 830-562-3529, Bandera, TX 78003. No web site. Specializes in guided trophy hunts for native and exotic game on 1600 unfenced acres. 25 acres of lakes available for fishing. 3 bedroom fully furnished hunters house.
7 CANYONS RANCH: 830-562-3333, Bandera, TX 78003. Dramatic Texas Hill Country Ranch with cattle baron style hunting lodge. Specializing in Corporate hunts for Trophy Whitetail, Axis, Blackbuck and more. Available for retreats and reunions.
(Police, Fire, EMS/Medical)
Dial 911

CRIME STOPPERS-REPORT ANONYMOUSLY: 1-800-222-8477; or click: Stoppers

BANDERA FIRE & RESCUE: Admin: 830-796-3777; 511 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
CRISIS HOTLINES: click Hotlines-Emergencies
BANDERA'S MUSIC EMPORIUM & BLUE COYOTE THEATRE: 830-796-1207; Cedar St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. A non-smoking listening environment that serves snacks and non-alcoholic drinks in a kid friendly atmosphere.
FLYING L GOLF COURSE: 800-292-5134; 566 Flying L Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. Privately owned, Public access, 18 holes, 6642 yds, par 72, 2 mi from Bandera. Guest ranch, resort.
LOST VALLEY RESORT RANCH GOLF COURSE: 830-460-7958; TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Public, 18 holes, 6210 yds, par 72, 2 mi from downtown.
CITY OF BANDERA: 830-796-3765; 511 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
See: Bandera County. Includes Emergency Services
BANDERA COUNTY RIVER AUTHORITY & GROUNDWATER DISTRICT: 830-796-7260; 440 FM-3240, Bandera, TX 78003., Facebook. A political subdivision of the State of Texas. The District is both a River Authority and Groundwater District operating under Chapters 36, 49, and 51 of the State Water Codes. The District is located within the boundaries of Bandera County and within the Groundwater Management Area 9.

Local: Bandera County, 830-796-7755; 2886 TX-16 N, Mansfield Park, Bandera, TX 78003., Email:

HQ: 800-942-3678; 1100 W 49th St, Austin, TX 78756.
Nutrition education, breast feeding support and education, WIC foods – infant formula, milk, cereal, cheese, peanut butter, beans, eggs and juice.
Local WIC clinic: 830-460-7378; 1207 Cottonwood St, Bandera, TX 78003
TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPT (TPWD): 512-288-0895; See Parks.

Local resources: Game Wardens: Garcia, Jason: 830-796-5778; Mcqueary, Mark R: 830-591-9812. Offices with Sheriff.

HQ: 512-463-2222; 101 E 15th St, Austin, TX 78778.
Assists with job referrals, unemployment benefits, child care assistance. Resources, tips & tools to build a stronger Texas workforce.
Serves Hill Country counties: Bandera, Comal, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Medina
Local office: 830-796-6164; 703 Buck Creek, Bandera, TX 78003. Hrs: M-F 8a-5p
See: State & Federal Offices
BANDERA RANCH STORE: 830-796-3342; 354 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
BOYLE’S BANDERA TRUE VALUE HARDWARE: 830-796-3861; 1002 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
COWBOY CAPITAL RENOVATIONS: 832-262-6813; Bandera, TX 78003.
CUSTOM GLASS & MIRROR: 830-460-7728, Bandera, TX 78003.
DCDC ELECTRIC LLC: 830-688-8153; Bandera, TX 78003
HEVENOR LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPANY: 830-796-3709; 2326 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
JOE WILSON PAINTING: 830-928-6198; 2171 Bandera Hwy, #20, Bandera, TX 78003.
PHOENIX TILE INSTALLATIONS: 512-550-8011; 1604 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003
SCOTT ASHER CUSTOM HOMES: 210-378-1133; 3540 TX-16 S, Ste 4C, Bandera, TX 78003.
TERMINIX PEST CONTROL: 830-796-3507; Bandera, TX 78003.
TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY: 830-796-3993; 220 TX-173 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
WIRE WISE: 210-421-2468; 226 Water Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. Electrician
UVALCO SUPPLY: 830-460-0118; 3960 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Powersports & equipment
Note: Be sure to check the "Dude Ranch" section above.
BANDERA HISTORICAL RIDES: 830-328-2203; 803 Maple St, Bandera, TX 78003.
BAR M RANCH: 830-796-9096; 2569 RR 1077 W, Bandera, TX 78003. Not a dude ranch. Bar M specializes in unique Hill Country trail rides on private lands where you'll see no other humans or constant signs of modern civilization. Their trails offer all the terrain the Texas Hill Country has to offer and are mapped to delight you with constantly changing scenery. Overnight stays available at a cabin. Hiking trails along creeks. Only one private group at a time, maximum of 3 riders, with each ride tailored to the skills and interests of the group and guided by an experienced, professional wrangler. "Hands-on" horse handling by prearrangement. Free basic initial instruction plus coaching on the trail. Well-trained, mannerly and responsive horses. No personal horses or horse camp arrangements. Age 12 and up. 2 miles from town.
CROSS T RANCH: 210-291-2921; Bandera, TX 78003.
DESERT HEARTS COWGIRL CLUB: 830-796-7001; 2505 FM-1174 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Two hour rides in the Hill Country State Natural Area (HCSNA) & Bandera are offered as well as half and full day rides. No web site, no office, call Onr Jeanne for arrangements and reservation. She trailers her horses to HCSNA, for from 1 to 3 riders at $80/rider, meeting you at the Park HQ. Pack lunch. Cash & checks only. Guide service for horse camps. 512-355-2444/3225;
HILL COUNTRY EQUISSAGE: 517-914-2957; Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
(The) FARM COUNTRY CLUB & RV PARK: 830-589-2276; NW of Bandera, between TX-16 and TX-173 on FM-2828. 365-acre Texas Century Farm. Working/entertainment ranch for group excursions. Day or evening functions. Domestic animals, abundant wildlife horseshoes, washer toss, bean bag toss, rodeo roper, pool tables, ping pong tables, swimming pool, basketball, tennis court, volley ball, hiking. By special arrangements, BBQ, Western bands, trick roper, hayrides, gunfighters, ranch work demonstrations, and use of large pavilion. Companies, reunions, convention groups can create their own private affair.
KLINE SADDLERY: 830-522-0335; Bandera, TX 78003.
SOLITAIRE RANCH: 830-796-4764; 305 Black Buck Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. Horse lessons, boarding and retirement facility
(The) SUGAR & SPICE RANCH: 830-460-8487; 884 Rikki Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. Bonding mothers & daughters through horses. Horseback riding camps; trail ride excursions; summer and weekend getaways
TEXAS TRAIL RIDE COMPANY: 210-269-7736. Trail rides in Bandera, Canyon Lake, Bastrop areas
See full list of leases for this town at: Hunting & Fishing.
BOGGY CREEK TAXIDERMY: 830-796-3000; 1206 Hackberry St, Bandera, TX 78003
DEER RUN TAXIDERMY: 830-796-3657; 963 Deer Valley, Bandera, TX 78003
NATURE'S OWN IMAGE TAXIDERMY: 830-446-9609; 1134-C Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
SWEETHEART REALTY & INSURANCE: 830-796-7448; 877-463-1500; 815 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003.

1003 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003.
A county-wide non-profit, providing a political voice regarding agriculture,
as well as insurance, financing and education services.
ANTLER OAKS LODGE: 830-796-8111; 3862 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERA BUNKHOUSE: 830-796-3868; 830-460-3690; Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA CARRIAGE HOUSE INN: 830-459-4493; 1006 Cedar St, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA GUEST HOUSE: 830-796-8018; 830-522-0288; Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA HIDEAWAY: 888-396-3739; Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERA LODGE MOTEL: 830-796-3093; 700 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA RANCH & GOLF COURSE: 830-460-8008; Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA RESORT & SPORTS PARK: 210-274-0293; Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA RIVERSIDE HIDEAWAY: 888-396-3739; Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA STATION: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA SUNSET COTTAGE: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA TIN STAR: 830-796-0660; 1143 Lacey Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. backroadstexas.netm
BAR DOUBLE R RANCH B & B: 830-796-9940; 2016 Elm Pass Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
(The) BARN: 830-796-7951; 4th and Hackberry, Bandera, TX 78003
BEN'S CABIN AT LANGFORD FARM: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
BIG OAK BED & BREAKFAST: 830-460-8171; 541 Rhodes Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
(The) BOARDING HOUSE: 830-796-4829; Bandera, TX 78003
BOOT HILL GUEST COTTAGE: 866-796-0660 Or 830-562-3545; Bandera, TX 78003
BUNGALOW IN BANDERA: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661, 310 10th St, Bandera, TX 78003
(The) BUNKHOUSE IN BANDERA: 888-303-6611; 3121 FM-470, Bandera, TX 78003
BUTLER HOUSE: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
CALICO COTTAGE: 866-796-0660 or 830-562-3545; Bandera, TX 78003
(The) CARRIAGE HOUSE INN: 830-796-4086; Bandera, TX 78003.
CASAS de AMIGOS: 830-460-7479; 446 Live Oak Ridge; Bandera, TX 78003. Web
CASA del RIO: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
COMANCHE CREEK RANCH: 866-796-0660 or 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
COOL WATER ACRES: 830-796-4866; 3301 FM-470, Bandera TX 78003.
COUNTRY ACCENTS ANTIQUES CABINS: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
CYPRESS INN: 830-796-4770; Bandera, TX 78003
DEER MEADOW CABIN & BUNKHOUSE: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
DIAMOND A RANCH: 830-796-3331; Bandera, TX 78003
DIAMOND H RANCH BED & BREAKFAST: 830-796-3295; 5322 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
DIXIE DUDE RANCH: 830-796-7771; Bandera, TX 78003.
DOUBLE U BARR RANCH BED & BREAKFAST: 830-796-4820; Bandera, TX 78003.
(The) FARM COUNTRY CLUB: 830-589-2276; See more details in Dude Ranches.
FLYING L GUEST RANCH: 800-292-5134; POB 1959, Bandera, TX 78003. See more details in Dude Ranches.
GLEN OAKS RANCH: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
GRAN'S COUNTRY CABINS: 830-796-3898; 830-583-5729; TX-173, Bandera, TX 78003
GUILLOT REALTY & GUEST HOUSE: 830-460-3517; 129 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
HACIENDA DEL RIO: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
HIGHLANDER RIVER HOUSE: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
HILL COUNTRY EQUESTRIAN LODGE: 830-796-7950; 1580 Hay Hollar Rd, Bandera, TX 78003.
HILL COUNTRY HARBOUR: 866-796-0660; Bandera, TX 78003
(The) HONDO HOUSE AT MESA VIEW RANCH: 210-326-1345; Bandera, TX 78003
(The) HILLTOP INN AT PIPE CREEK: 830-562-3545.
INN AT CHUKKA CREEK: 830-460-3715; 2995 FM-470, Bandera, TX 78003
JACKALOPE MESA LODGING: 512-619-0640; Bandera, TX 78003
LA BUENA VISTA HILL COUNTRY GUEST HOUSE: 830-796-3013; 353 Live Oak Ridge, Bandera, TX 78003
LA SERENA COTTAGE: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
LAGNIAPPE INN: 830-796-8040; Bandera, TX 78003
LAKE HIAWATHA GUEST HOUSE: 210-213-9962 or 210-521-0014; Bandera, TX 78003. Faccebook
LAMBERT PARK: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
LAS CASITAS BONITAS: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
(The) LAST OUTPOST BED & BREAKFAST: 281-352-9294; 830-796-8301; 6068 FM-2828; Bandera, TX 78003.
LH7 RANCH: 830-796-4314; Bandera, TX 78003. See more details in Dude Ranches.
(The) LODGE ON SAN JULIAN CREEK: 866-796-4750; 830-796-4750; 1919 TX-173 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
(The) MANSION: 866-929-4590; 830-796-4590; Bandera, TX 78003
MAYAN DUDE RANCH: 830-796-3312; 1300 Pecan St, Bandera, TX 78003. See more details in Dude Ranches.
MEDINA RIVER GUEST COTTAGE: 800-796-7757; Bandera, TX 78003
MEDINA RIVER RANCH RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER: 832-262-2805; 1515 Old Castroville Rd, Bandera, TX 78003.
MEMAW's HOUSE B & B: 830-796-4388; POB 785, Bandera, TX 78003
MOSLEY RANCH BED & BARN: 830-796-7748; Bandera, TX 78003
MULLER’S ARK RANCH: 830-796-3420; 714 Peaceful Valley Rd, Bandera, TX 78003.
PARKAY RANCH BEND, BRIDLE & BREAKFAST: 830-796-8018; 3313 Schmidtke Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
PERENNIAL VACATION CLUB: 830-796-3051; 1775 River Ranch Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
PIONEER RIVER RESORT: 866-371-3751; 830-796-3751; Bandera, TX 78003
POTATO FLATS RANCH HOUSE: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
RANCHO CORTEZ: 830-796-9339; 872 Hay Hollar Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. See more details in Dude Ranches.
RIVER FRONT MOTEL: 830-4328-5110; Main St at River Bridge, 1103 Maple St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
RIVER OAK INN: 830-796-7751; Bandera, TX 78003
RIVER RIDGE CABIN: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
RUNNING-R GUEST RANCH: 830-796-3984; 9059 Bandera Creek Rd, Bandera, TX 78003.
SECO VALLEY RANCH: 830-796-7741; Bandera, TX 78003
SHADY LADY LAKESHORE LODGE: 830-796-7001; Wharton Dock Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
SOMEWHERE ON CEDAR BED & BREAKFAST: 210-253-0648; 1315 Cedar St, Bandera, TX 78003
TINY HOUSE: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
TOO LITTLE $ RANCH: 866-796-0660; 830-522-4661; Bandera, TX 78003
TRAILS END HIDEAWAY: 1102 Cypress St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
TRIANGLE C BUNKHOUSE: 830-796-3868; 800-870-5671; Bandera, TX 78003
TRIPLE OT RANCH CABIN: 229-291-7041; 866-796-0660; Bandera, TX 78003
TWIN OAKS GUEST HAUS: 866-796-0660, 830-562-3545; Bandera, TX 78003
WHISPERING WATERS: 830-796-7386; Bandera, TX 78003
YELLOW ROSE CABIN AT LAGNAPPE RANCH: 866-796-0660 or 830-562-3545, Bandera, TX 78003
2E TWIN ELM GUEST RANCH: 830-796-3628; 810 FM-470, Bandera, TX 78003. See more details in Dude Ranches.
7 CANYONS RANCH: 830-562-3333; See more details in Dude Ranches
Note: Check Dude Ranches above, and RV Parks below, for availability of cabins, guest houses and other accommodations.
ARTHUR NAGEL COMMUNITY CLINIC: 830-796-3448; 1116 12th St, #3, Bandera, TX 78003. Free and low cost healthcare services to the residents of Bandera County.
BANDERA REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTER: 830-796-4077; 222 FM-1077, Bandera, TX 78003. Physical Therapy Clinic
TRI COUNTY HOME HEALTH: 830-895-3100; 158 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
CEDAR CREEK NURSING & REHABILITATION CENTER: 830-460-3767; 159 Montague Dr, Bandera, TX 78003.
COMPREHENSIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY & BANDERA FITNESS: 830-796-3447; 3456 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
CRAWFORD PHARMACIES: 830-796-3321; 907 N Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
CVS PHARMACY: 830-460-7701; 1202 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
DUBOSE, WILLIAM L, DDS: 830-796-3023; 315 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003. General dentistry
FRONTIER FAMILY DENTISTRY: 830-796-7225; 315 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003.
GI CONSULTANTS OF SAN ANTONIO: 210-614-1234; 1050 TX-16, Bandera, TX 78003.
RIVER HILLS CARE CENTER: 830-460-3767; 800 Montague Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. Nursing & Convalescent Homes
TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES: 830-796-3739; 702 Buck Creek Dr, Bandera, TX 78003
A CUT ABOVE: 830-796-9194; 423 Redwing Dr, 411 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA BEACH CLUB: 830-796-7555; 1106 Cherry St, Bandera, TX 78003. Kayaks & river tubing/shuttle service in Bandera
BANDERA BIKE: 830-796-2453; 4324 FM-1077, Bandera, TX 78003. Adventure park for mountain bike riders
(The) BANDERA BULLETIN: 830-796-3718; 1110 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Weekly newspaper published Wed.
BANDERA COUNTY COURIER: 830-796-9799; 1136 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Weekly newspaper published Thur
BANDERA GUN CLUB: 830-796-4610; 809 FM-1077; Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERAMUSIC.COM: A Film & Music Production Company
BANDERARADIO.COM: An on-line showcase of Texas Music. CDs by local music icons are available
BANDERA SIGNS & BANNERS: 830-796-3830; 2945 Broad Oak Dr, Bandera, TX 78003.
BIZTAX BOOKKEEPING & PAYROLL SERVICES, INC: 830-200-0421; Bandera, TX 78003.
BROWN'S CYCLE SERVICE: 830-796-4599; 1205 Cottonwood St, Bandera, TX 78003. FB
BUCKING PONY LEATHER: 830-460-0177; 772 Faris Ranch, RdBandera, TX 78003. Custom leather work
CAROL H. GRAVES, CPA: 830-796-7252; 1207 Oak St, Bandera, TX 78003. CPA – tax and accounting
COWBOY CAB COMPANY: 830-955-0010; Bandera, TX 78003.
DIAMOND H RANCH: 830-796-4540; 1698 Highland Dr, Bandera, TX 78003.
FARM COUNTRY CLUB: 830-589-2272; Bandera, TX 78003. 365-acre Texas Century Farm. Both a working ranch and an entertainment ranch for group excursions for both day and evening functions. Amenities include wagon rides to view domestic animals and abundant wildlife, horseshoes, washer toss, bean bag toss, rodeo roper, pool tables, ping pong tables, swimming pool, basketball, tennis court, volley ball, hiking. By special arrangements, BBQs, Western bands, trick roper, hay rides, gunfighters, and ranch work demonstrations can be arranged. Large pavilion ideal for companies, reunions, and convention groups wanting to create their own private affair.
FOUR POINTS(formerly PICOS): 830-796-3414; 607 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Convenience store, gas, burgers
FOUREIGHT PLAQUES & CUSTOMS: 775-527-2317; 1547 TX-16 N, Ste C, Bandera, TX 78003.
GRIMES FUNERAL HOME: 830-257-4544; 830-796-3922; 1214 Mulberry, Bandera, TX 78003.
GROWTH RESOURCE: 830-796-4447; 1983 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003. Marketing & event planning/coordinator. Onr: Genie Strickland
HEART TWO: 830-328-5045; 1132 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. Shipping & office services
HEAVY-DUTY DUSTLESS BLASTING: 830-496-0544; 90 Kings Ranch Rd, Bandera, TX 78003.
HILL COUNTRY STORAGE: 702-498-8669; 8616 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
J2M RANCH: 623-329-4785; 1812 Polly Peak Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. Sorting practices/clinics and jackpots
KEEP, 98.3, 103.1, FM: Bandera, TX 78003. Radio Station.
KISS ME ALPACAS: 210-216-7248; 1107 Broad Oak Dr, Bandera, TX 78003.
LEMON TREE CLEANERS: 830-796-3811; 596 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
LONE STAR LAGOON WATER PARK: 800-796-7745; 675 Flying L Dr, Bandera, TX 78003.
MEDINA RIVER COMPANY: 830-796-3600; 1307 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
MOORE TITLE COMPANY: 830-796-7741; 1144 Pecan St, Bandera, TX 78003.
OCEAN-GRAPHICS: 830-796-3020; 1983 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003.
OUTLAW PHOTOGRAPHY: 830-688-1564; 451 Old San Antonio Hwy, Apt 203, Bandera, TX 78003.
SKINNER ELECTRONICS: 830-796-4245; 411 3rd St, Bandera, TX 78003
W-HOLY LIVING WELLNESS & REFLEXOLOGY & BODY & SOUL MASSAGE CLINIC: 830-328-0050; 650 TX-16 S, Ste B, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
3CM MULTIFAMILY: 210-669-0559; 255 Wildlife Trl, Bandera, TX 78003. Apartment acquisitions
11TH STREET AVEDA SALON: 830-460-0984; 315 11th St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
BANDERA NATURAL HISTORY & ART MUSEUM: 830-328-5090; 267 Old San Antonio Rd, Bandera, TX 78003., Facebook. Mission is to inspire wonder about the world's amazing wildlife, their habits, and their habitats. Gift shop, snack bar. Free parking, Admission fees apply. Open: Wed-Sat, 10a-5p; Sun, Noon-5p. Closed Mon-Tue

510 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003, Facebook.
Just 1 block N of Bandera County Courthouse.
Mission is to preserve and share the cultural heritage of Bandera County and the Texas frontier times. A 40,000-piece collection of old west, pioneer & prehistoric artifacts.
Texas Heroes Hall of Honor
See web for exhibits, events and activities schedule.
Free parking, Admission fees apply.

Local: Legion Post #157, 830-796-7528; 205 12th St, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU: 800-364-3833; 800-364-3822; 830-796-3045; 210-796-3045; TX-16 & Mainstreet Intersection, Bandera, TX 78003.;

POB 1656, Bandera, TX 78003.
"Philanthropy with imagination". Provides opportunities for donors to give with simplicity, flexibility and maximum tax advantages. Donors come in all shapes and sizes--from wealthy retirees to those with average means. All donors have one goal in common: the desire to improve the quality of life in their community, now and for the future.
BANDERA COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 830-796-3280; 158 TX-16 S, Ste F, POB 2445, Bandera, TX 78003.,
BANDERA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY (Albert and Bessie Mae Kronkosky): 830-796-4213; 515 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003-1568. A non-profit organization.
BANDERA ISD EDUCATION FOUNDATION: 830-460-4513; POB 3347, Bandera, TX 78003. Benefits teachers and students in the Bandera ISD. Funding for educational programs and activities which either have not been subsidized or have been under-financed by the district’s normal operating budget.
BANDERA MUSIC HISTORY PROJECT HALL OF FAME PROJECT: Bandera, TX 78003. This project has produced a computer "juke box" of Bandera area musician's music from the old to the current. The goal of the project is to maintain, preserve, and promote Bandera's rich music heritage of all types. The "juke box" is located in the Kronkosky Library of Bandera County on Main St Bandera. No Charge. Mon-Fri 10a-6p and 9a-1p on Sat
BANDERA SPORTS COMPLEX: 325 Optimist Way, Bandera, TX 78003., Facebook. Committed to providing recreational facilities for all children, young adults, and senior citizens of Bandera County with an emphasis on physical activities and good sportsmanship.
BANDERA VILLAGE OF HOPE: 830-796-8300; 1116 12th St, Bandera, TX 78003. Clothing and household goods, as well as groceries, for those in need.
BANDERA WRANGLERS:, Facebook. An all volunteer non-profit community organization Providing charitable and community support for those in need by hosting events, fundraisers & accepting donations. Mission is to support the local community and National Charitable Organizations by hosting events and fundraisers and building Esprit de Corps in the local community. Membership dues are $25 and go to support the events we host to raise money for those in need. We are always seeking donations, event promotions, and new members.

Troop 146: Support scouting for the Bandera, Pipe Creek, Lake Hills and Medina areas.

Local club: Bandera, 830-796-8109; 715 Maple St, Bandera, TX 78003., Facebook. After school programs and summer day camp in 3 locations as well as a basketball program during the winter months. Annual Casino Night fundraiser. BGC Teen Center: 715 Maple St, Bandera, TX 78003, Grades: 6-12. Greg Parker,

Local Office: 830-896-2124; At Bandera Library, 505 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. County served: Bandera
HELPING HANDS: 830-796-8300; 1116 12th St, Bandera, TX 78003. Food pantry, clothes closet, household goods, school supplies, medical & utility bill assistance, health clinic, eye glasses and exams.
HILL COUNTRY STATE NATURAL AREA PARTNERS: 830-688-1533; 10600 Bandera Creek Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. A non-profit dedicated to the Preservation and the Promotion of the Hill Country State Natural Area. HCSNA Park HQ: 830-796-4413.

KIWANIS CLUB: A global organization of members of every age who are dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. Local Kiwanis Club:
Bandera County Kiwanis:; Facebook. 830-796-5726;

LITTLE LEAGUE: A non-profit organization based in Williamsport, PA that organizes local youth baseball and softball leagues throughout the US. Builds character, courage, loyalty.
Local: Ron Gherman: 210-381-8264, Facebook
OPERATION ANTLER DROP: 832-687-1302; Collecting antlers to raise money for Meals on Wheels. Antlers of any size, shape, species, or condition acceptable. Drop them off at the designated locations. Repurpose mother nature's antlers. Marshall Schroeder:

OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL: A worldwide voluntary non-profit organization of civic-minded men and women banded together to serve the youth of the community, encourage personal growth and adopt optimism as a philosophy of life.

SILVER SAGE: 830-796-4969; 803 Buck Creek Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. Enriching the lives of seniors.
Silver Sage Community Center: 830-796-4969; 803 Buck Creek Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. Events and activities for adults of all ages. The Great Room has its own entrance and depending upon weather is used for a meeting or catered function and can accommodate 200. Dining Room is best suited for groups of up to 50 and with tables & chairs for dining. From 11:30a-12:30p, meals provided in our dining room. "Cowboy Capital Opry" entertainment on the first Tue of month. Bandera County Committee on Aging
Silver Sage Meals On Wheels: We deliver nutritionally-balanced meals Mon-Fri to seniors (and their pets) in Bandera County. Facebook. See Operation Antler Drop above, a supporting non-profit effort.
Seniors' Back Porch Market: Partners with San Antonio Food Bank; provides the fruits, vegetables, and other items for use in the kitchen and also to give away.
Silver Sage Thrift Store: See supporting Thrift Store in Retail Stores section below.

1003 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003.
A county-wide non-profit, providing a political voice regarding agriculture,
as well as insurance, financing and education services.

Local 4-H Club: Bandera County 4-H: 830-796-7755; Bandera, TX 78003.,
Note: For county-wide non-profits, public service & social service organizations, see: Bandera County
Note: For Hill Country-wide non-profits, public service and social service organizations, see Hill Country Information
BANDERA BOARDING KENNELS: 210-716-7358; 3641 FM-470, Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERA COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL: 830-796-3771/4075; 515 12th St, Bandera, TX 78003., Facebook-Bandera County Animal Control. Shelter operation, adoptions, on-line reporting of lost & found. Part of county sheriff department.
BANDERA VETERINARIAN CLINIC: 830-796-3003; 1989 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003.
CITY OF BANDERA ANIMAL SERVICES/ADOPTIONS: Bandera, TX 78003. Dept., Dept.Animal Control Coordinator & Staff
- City Animal Control Officer: 830-328-9946: James Garcia; Quincy Schaefer; Chris Kutza
- City Animal Control Clerk: Jerika Sturgis, 830-796-3765,
- City Animal Services/Adoptions: Brian Cummings, 830-328-9946
DOG & CAT HOUSE LLC: 830-796-3623; 104 Hicks Dr, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. Pet Service
HOMESTEAD LABRADORS: 830-796-8667; 1141 Kyle Ranch Rd, Bandera, TX 78003.
LOST PETS IN BANDERA COUNTY: Facebook. Post lost pets via FB.
MISSION MIRACLE K9 RESCUE: POB 611, Bandera, TX 78003. Our mission is to focus on the enrichment and training of all shelter animals to enable better adoption matches, longer positive outcomes in the home, and continued support post adoption. We want animals in shelters to feel like they are at day camp not an internment camp!
OBEDIENTLY YOURS: 210-382-8501; POB 2706, Bandera, TX 78003. Dog training
OPERATION OVERWATCH: 830-423-6434; 756 Purple Sage Rd, Bandera, TX 78003. A 501c3 service dog training program for veterans and first responders suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and or traumatic brain injury. A service animal offers a new outlook on life to someone suffering from PTSD or TBI. The bond and connection that is created between a service dog and their handler may not be the cure, but it will play a major role in the treatment.
STEPHEN SELLS, DVM: 830-796-5701; Bandera, TX 78003. Veterinarian, equine and Exotic Wildlife. The practice is mobile only, so all services are provided at your ranch or stables.
TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY: 830-796-3993; 220 TX-173 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
Note: See separate listing sections for horses, riding, equestrian, sitters and other care.
GONE QUILTIN': 830-796-4360; 1115 Cedar St, Bandera, TX 78003. Specializing in western, Texas and bluebonnet fabrics.
ANTON E HACKEBEIL: 830-796-9977; 315 11th St, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA PROPERTIES: 210-218-9986; Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERA REAL ESTATE: 830-460-4766; 598 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003-3808
BANDERA TEXAS REAL ESTATE: 830-460-0889, 379 Settlers Ln, Bandera, TX 78003
BILL CASTLE REALTOR: 830-796-9173; 598 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003-3808
BOYLE REALTY: 830-460-7777, 800 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
BRENDA BROWN REALTY: 210-326-7097; 2046 TX-16, 800 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
COLDWELL BANKER: 830-796-8989; 285 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003-4119
CROSS TEXAS REAL ESTATE: 210-218-7133; 4295 FM-2828, Bandera, TX 78003
COWBOY CAPITAL REALTY: 830-796-4711; 251 Lost Oak, Bandera, TX 78003.
(The) DUPERIER TEXAS LAND MAN, LLC: 830-796-3018; 601 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
DOUBLE B REALTY: 830-796-9090; POB 3460, Bandera, TX 78003.
FENCE POST RANCH REALTY, INC: 830-562-3680; 13505 FM-462, Bandera, TX 78003
GAIL STONE REALTY: 830-796-4640; 334 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
GRAY REALTY: 830-460-7844; 810 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
GUILOTT REALTY: 830-460-3517; 129 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
HERK CORPORATION: 210-380-5689; 2040 Peaceful Valley, Bandera, TX 78003
HITCHING POST REALTY: 210-415-2275; 310 10th St, Bandera, TX 78003
(The) JOHNSTON CO REAL ESTATE: 830-460-7911; 1118 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
LINDA SCRUBY REAL ESTATE: 830-796-9177; POB 1809, Bandera, TX 78003
MENDOLA REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGE: 830-460-7451; 677 Lakeshore Dr S, Bandera, TX 78003-3871
MOSSY OAK PROPERTIES OF TEXAS - BANDERA DIVISION: 210-872-4770; 3065 English Crossing Rd, Bandera, TX 78003.
MYSTIC HILLS REALTY: 210-381-6148; 4364 Whartons Dock Rd, Bandera, TX 78003,
NEUHOME REALTY: 830-796-8363; 925 Bandera Blvd, Bandera, TX 78003
PIPE CREEK REALTY: 830-535-4551; 314 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
RE/MAX LAKE & HILL COUNTRY: 830-796-8600; 210-410-3264; 401 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
RE/MAX ALAMO REALTY (SAN ANTONIO): 830-796-8600, 210-421-9407; POB 370, Bandera, TX 78003. Chappelle Consulting and Laksmi Taylor have teamed up with Edwards Realty in Pipe Creek to co-list residential properties, and have a home office in Tarpley
ROUNDUP REALTY: 830-535-4551; 314 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
STAGECOACH REALTY: 830-460-7200; 603-A Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
SWEETHEART REALTY & INSURANCE: 830-796-7448; 877-463-1500; 815 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003.
(The) TEXAS LANDMAN: 830-796-3018; 601 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
TEXAS ROSE REALTY: 830-460-7250; 866-547-9712; 3719 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
TEICH PROPERTIES: 830-460-4166; 700 FM-1077, Bandera, TX 78003
TRIP DUPERIER: See Texas Landman above
BANDERA BILL'S ROADSIDE GRILL: 409-939-5849; 4460 TX-173 N, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA ICE HOUSE: 830-796-4737; TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA STAR STEAKHOUSE: 830-796-3373; 120 River Bend Rd @ TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA TAVERN: 830-796-7144; 807 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Entertainment
BANDERA WINE & SPIRITS: 830-796-4555; 1010 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA BEVERAGE BARN: 830-796-8153; 1407 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003.
BILL'S BBQ & GRILL: 830-796-7144; Main St (located in Blue Gene's), Bandera, TX 78003
BIT OF MEXICO: 830-796-4934; Bandera, TX 78003. Mexican restaurant with occasional entertainment
BOOT & SADDLE SALOON & DANCEHALL: 210-749-9227; 715 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. Live music, lounge
BRANDING IRON BAR & GRILLE: 830-796-7745, x215; 675 Flying L Dr, Bandera, TX 78003.
BRICK'S RIVER CAFE: 830-796-9900; 1205 Main St, Bandera, TX 78006.
BULLDOG GRILLE: 830-328-5017; 907 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003
BURGER KING: 830-328-5052; 1001 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
BUSBEE'S BBQ & CATERING: 830-796-3153; 339 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Busbee's is the only restaurant in Texas to be featured on the History Channel series called "The States' and is also featured in the State of Texas' travel advertising promotion. Busbee's offers the finest BBQ in Texas and also serves the best hamburgers available anywhere.
CHICAGO BROTHERS SANDWICH SHOP: 830-796-9119; 702 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
CHIKIN COOP: 830-796-4496; 402 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
CHINA BOWL: 830-796-8494; 1203 Pecan St, Bandera, TX 78003
CHURCH'S CHICKEN: 830-796-3351, 1014 Main St, Bandera, TX
COWBOY CAPITAL PIZZA: 830-796-9996; 1110 Hackberry St, Bandera, TX 78003
COWGIRL COFFEE COMPANY: 830-796-9990; 807 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
DAIRY QUEEN: 830-796-3595; TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
DOGLEG COFFEEHOUSE: 830-796-8080; 315 Main St; Bandera, TX 78003
DON CHEPE'S RESTAURANT & BAR: 830-328-5018; 823 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
(The) DOUGH JOE: 830-796-7437; 702 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Pizza
EL JACALITO: 830-460-3853; 1207 Cedar St, Bandera, TX 78003. Mexican restaurant
FATBOYZ SANDWICH SHOP: 830-796-4016; 610 TX-16 S, Bandera Village, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
GRAVITY CHECK SALOON & ARENA: 830-634-3075; 3979 TX-173, Kerrville, TX 78028. Live Music Venue
(The) GREEK TAVERN: 830-796-8620; 276 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Family – casual Greek restaurant
(The) GROTTO GRILL & COFFEE BAR: 830-796-9555; 907 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003
(The) HEN'S NEST: 210-912-0311; 1134C Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
JAKE'S AT POLLY PEAK: 830-535-6699; 3810 TX-16, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. Pub, big screen TVs, live music, home of the Annual Blues Fest, and Wednesday Night Jam!
JOHNNY'S PASTA HOUSE: 830-796-4919; 204 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Entertainment
MAGGIO'S PIZZA: 120 River Bend Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
MI PUEBLO: 830-796-8407; 706 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
MULBERRY'S WINE & CHEESE BAR: 830-796-9463; 823 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
TJ'S AT THE OLD FORGE: 830-796-9990; 807 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
TWIG'S GRILLE: 830-796-4310; 907 13th St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
OST RESTAURANT: 830-796-3836; 305 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
PAP'S ITALIAN GRILL: 830-796-9400; 632 TX-16, Bandera Lodge, Bandera, TX 78003
PICO #13: 830-796-3414; 607 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
PIKE'S PLACE RESTAURANT: 830-535-4442; 167 Panther Ridge Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
PALOMINOS RESTAURANT & GRILL: 830-328-5055; 120 River Bend Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
SHOTGUN SPORTS BAR & GRILL: 830-314-2222; 707 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
SNO ON THE RIVER: 210-627-0017, 832-514-9390; 1102 Maple St, Bandera City Park, Bandera, TX 78003
SNOWFLAKE DONUTS BANDERA: 830-796-7715; 648 TX-16, Bandera Village, Bandera, TX 78003.
SONIC DRIVE-IN: 830-460-4280; 1013 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
SPARROW'S CAFE: 830-796-4755; 1307 B Mulberry St, Bandera, TX 78003
SPIRITS OF TEXAS: 830-7522-3221; 1107 Cypress St, Bandera, TX 78003.
SUBWAY SANDWICHES: 830-796-4191; 907 Main St (inside Super S), Bandera, TX 78003
TAQUERIA AGUASCALIENTES #3: 830-796-9332; 680 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
THIS N THAT GRILL: 1407 TX-16, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook. Trailer
TRAIL BOSS STEAK & GRILL (& Event Hall): 830-328-5022; 313 11th St, Bandera, TX 78003. Full bar
WILD HORSE SALOON: 830-796-9930; 134 River Bend, Bandera, TX 78003. Entertainment
1856 TAVERN: 830-796-3121; 702 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
AMERICAN INDIAN JEWELRY: 830-796-4000; 323 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
BACK IN THE SADDLE UNIQUE BOUTIQUE: 830-796-3911; 1107 Cedar St, Bandera, TX 78003. Cowgirl chic clothing, jewelry, gifts, accessories.
BANDERA GENERAL STORE: 830-796-4925; 306 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Gifts, sundries, fountain
BANDERA JEWELERS: 830-510-3694; 660 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
BANDERA MEAT MARKET: 830-328-5009; 702 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
BLING N IN BANDERA: 830-796-4466; 305 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Boutique
(The) BRANDING IRON: 830-796-3828; 391 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Western gift shop
COW CREEK: 830-796-3323; 414 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Personalized clothing & more
DADDY JIM'S QUALITY MEATS: 830-796-9333; 702 B Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
DOLLAR GENERAL: 830-522-2548; 703 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
FAMILY DOLLAR: 830-850-6004; 805 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
FICKLE PICKLES: 830-796-3269; 305 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
FINDS RESALE: 830-315-3463; 516 Quinlan St, Bandera, TX 78003.
FLOYD’S TACK-AN-TIQUES: 830-796-4255; 264 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Tack, antiques, jewelry, clothing
FROSTY'S MOTORCYCLE STOP: 830-796-7401; 584 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Leather, helmets, accessories, t-shirts.
GIDDY-UP RESALE: 832-389-4441; 624 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
GUNSLINGER: 830-796-7803; 107 Cypress, Bandera, TX 78003.
HILL COUNTRY EMBROIDERY: 830-796-7806; 335 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Embroidery, screen print, gifts, souvenirs
HYO SILVER: 877-796-7961; 315 11th St, Bandera, TX 78003. Jewelry
JESSE JANE'S "THE WILDER COUSIN": 830-796-4948; 330 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
KEN'S TV SALES & SERVICES: 830-796-4567; 2753 Peaceful Valley Rd Bandera, TX 78003
LOWE'S MARKET/SUPER S FOODS STORE: 830-796-4401; 907 N Main, Bandera, TX 78003.
P & D TREASURES 512-699-4527; 1547 TX-16 N, Ste B, Bandera, TX 78003
RADIO SHACK: 830-796-3664; Bandera, TX 78003.
(The) RUSTIC COURTYARD - RANCH DRESSINGS: 830-796-3160; 300 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Antiques, art, home decor
SHOE BIZ: 830-796-8302; 301 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003. Shoes, apparel, accessories for ladies
SILVER SAGE THRIFT STORE: 830-796-3590; 660 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Located in the shopping area down from the Snowflake Donut Shop. Non-profit that supports Silver Sage (see above)
SPIRITS OF TEXAS: 830-522-3221; 1107 Cypress St, Bandera, TX 78003.
TEXAS SALT Co: Smoked, flavored, delicious cooking salts
830-370-9438; 206 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003
Located downtown at corner of TX-16 & TX-173. Hours: Mon-Fri, 10a-3p
Daniel & Andrew Almand, Email:
BANDERA RV PARK: 830-688-3052; 1425 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003.
CAMP SIONITO RV PARK: 830-796-3510; Bandera, TX 78003.
(The) FARM COUNTRY CLUB & RV PARK: 830-589-2276; NW of Bandera, between TX-16 and TX-173 on FM-2828.
PIONEER RV RIVER RESORT: 830-796-3751; 830-796-3751; TX-173 & 1202 Maple St, Bandera, TX 78003.
POMAROSA RV PARK: 830-796-4339; 3845 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
RIVERSIDE RV PARK: 888-826-3636 or 830-796-3636; Bandera, TX 78003.
SKYLINE RANCH RV PARK: 800-267-1402; 830-796-4958; 2231 TX-16 N, Bandera, TX 78003.
STAGECOACH RV PARK: 830-796-4339; 3845 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003
SUNSET RV PARK: 800-588-6182 or 830-796-3174; 1400 Panther Hollow Dr, Bandera, TX 78003
2E RV GUEST RANCH RESORT: 830-796-3628; 810 FM-470, Bandera, TX 78003.
BANDERA ISD: 830-796-6204; POB 727, Bandera, TX 78003. UIL: Conf 4A
Bandera High School: 474 Old San Antonio Highway. Bulldog Stadium
Alkek Elementary: 1798 TX-173. Grades: K-5
(The) KID KORRAL LEARNING CENTER: 830-796-8866; 4173 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003.
NOAH'S ARC LEARNING CENTER: 830-796-4722; 467 TX-173 N, Bandera, TX, 780031. A ministry of Grace Lutheran Church, offers care for infants, toddlers, pre-kindergarten, and school-age children. A place where children can thrive and explore their creativity.
BUDDY'S SEPTIC & WATER WELL SERVICE LLC: 830-796-3878; 4855 TX-173 N, Bandera, TX 78003.
MOORE CONSTRUCTION: 830-796-7906; FM-1077, Bandera, TX 78003. Septic installation, pumping
TRI-COUNTY WASTEWATER SYSTEMS LLC: 830-460-8123; Bandera, TX 78003. Septic service; land clearing, site work
BANDERA CHRISTIAN YOUTH CAMP: 830-796-4113; 100 Pavilion Rd, Bandera, TX 78003
WOODMEN OF THE WORLD CAMP: 830-796-3515; TX-173 N, Bandera, TX 78003
YMCA HAMMAN RANCH CAMP: 830-460-7778; FM-470, Bandera, TX 78003
Free Texas 811 Locator

BANDERA PROPANE (PATRIOT GAS): 830-796-7201; 1310 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003.
INDIAN CREEK INTERNET SERVICE: 888-293-7788; 830-796-7788; 1401 Sycamore St, POB 1565, Bandera, TX 78003. Wireless coverage area include Bandera, Pipe Creek, Lakehills, Hondo, Wharton's Dock, Mico, Rio Medina and Castroville. Also DSL reseller for customers anywhere in the AT&T San Antonio LATA calling area where DSL has been deployed and a Loop Qualification test has been passed.
MIKE'S TRASH SERVICE: 830-357-0510; Bandera, TX 78003. Facebook
MISSION GAS CO: 830-460-8404; 114 Enchanted River Dr, Bandera, TX 78003.
For Hill Country area utility service providers (electric, gas, water, sewer, trash),
telecom providers (land lines, cellular service, TV, internet), and related services (package delivery, newspaper, etc.), click: Utilities & Telecom
AMERICAN WATERWELL SERVICES: 830-796-4145; 908 Last Gap Ln, Bandera, TX 78003. Water well drilling and maintenance company
AQUATECH DRILLING INC: 830-796-9355; 683 Old Hondo Hwy, Bandera, TX 78003. Water well drilling, windmills and storage tanks, water pumps
ARMADIGGER INC: 830-796-4734; 4173 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Water well drilling
BUDDY'S SEPTIC & WATER WELL SERVICE LLC: 830-796-3878; 4855 TX-173 N, Bandera, TX 78003.
D'SPAIN SALES & SERVICE: 830-460-5309; 355 Mason Creek Loop, Bandera, TX 78003. Electrical, AC, heating, plumbing, water systems
PIPE CREEK WATER WELL: 830-796-4846; 4333 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Water well service
TEJAS WATER WELLS INC: 830-460-8203; 4165 TX-16 S, Bandera, TX 78003. Water well drilling & pump contractorswater supply systems
VIKING WATER WELL & PUMP SERVICES: 830-460-1309; Bandera, TX 78003. c830-460-1577, Water well drilling, water well pump and windmill service, rainwater storage, tank cleaning, inspection, solar pumps
WATERBOYZ, LLC: 830-796-9355; Bandera, TX 78003. Water well drilling, pump service from small residential pumps to large commercial pumps, storage tank installation, water conditioning, windmills, solar pumps, rock saw and trenching
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