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Hill Country Portal

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Our Portal web site has many pages devoted to specific subjects, such as counties, cities, lake areas, and focus topics. This Hill Country Information page is a guide to the overall resources available and includes topics that are "Hill Country-wide" that don't logically fit in the other categories.

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The Texas Hill Country is west of Austin and the north of San Antonio, and sits on the Edwards Plateau and the Balcones Escarpment, with the perimeter loosely defined as the area bounded by Interstate 35 on the east, Texas Hwy 29 on the north, US 90 to the south, and US 83 on the west. And, there is a series of mountains in the 1,900 to 2,250 ft range just west of the line from Barksdale to Montell.

The Texas hill country is also defined by the rugged limestone hills that separate the coastal plain from the Edwards Plateau.

Brilliant Widlflowers in the Hill Country There are widely different views of which towns and what land is in the "Hill Country". Some folks are passionate about inclusion of their favorite town and very few want not to be included, possibly because of marketing implications and pride. The boundary areas (there are no hard "lines" or other official demarcations or definitions) thus are very fuzzy. The "blending" of lifestyles and culture in such areas is perhaps what makes the subject so hard to define. Folks often live in the fringe hilly area of the Hill Country but work in the neighboring town just down the road in the flat-lands, their kids go to school in that town, they trade in town, many of their every-day friends are in town, so for many it all becomes one and the same. A good example of this is with Sabinal, located less than 10 miles from the last hilly area to the north. Folks there believe that Sabinal is in the Hill Country.

Some folks put it in more simple terms, based on what it is not. If it is not "hilly" then it is not in the Hill Country. It it is not "country-like", then it is not Hill Country.

Frio River at ConcanSome make it even simpler. If it is big city (like Austin, San Antonio) it is not in the Hill Country. Everything else is Hill Country until you get to the flat plains.

And speaking of hills, what about mountains? It is pretty clear we do not have any big mountains as in Colorado, but we do have a number of hills and areas with the word "mountain" in their name, such as "Round Mountain" (Hwy 281 between Johnson City and Marble Falls); Rattlesnake Mountain (just W of Round Mountain); Bell Mountain (near Hwy 16 just north of Willow City and Fredericksburg, El 1950 ft); Lone Man Mountain (E of Blanco, El 1421 ft); Long Mountain in Mason County; and Mountain Home.

All that that leaves in question: just how far south, west, north and east is it?

Hill Country Map

So, for now, here is our definition of the perimeter of the Texas Hill Country (clockwise from Brady): Brady, US 190 E to San Saba and Lampasas, US 183 SE to Leander, a fuzzy "line" down to (western) Oak Hill and over to Buda, SE on IH-35 through Kyle, San Marcos and New Braunfels, TX 46 W through Bulverde to Boerne, RR 1283 S to Mica and Lake Hills, RR 470 W through Pipe Creek, Bandera, Tarpley, Utopia, RR 1050 to Concan, jump over to Aldine, Reagan Wells and Montell, N on TX 55 to Barksdale and Rocksprings, NE on US 377 to Junction, NE on US 83 to Menard, NW on US 190 back to Brady. For clarification, it does not include San Antonio & Bexar County, Austin, Georgetown, Cedar Park or Uvalde.

Click here for an interactive, larger Google map sized to include a rectangle around this definition and amorphous shape of the Hill Country: Google Map

See our comprehensive City Directory List that lists every single town, city, area, berg, subdivision and "area" known to exist in the Hill Country. If you think differently, let us know what and why.

And see our comprehensive Outside Towns & Cities List that lists most of the towns and cities that lie just outside the "border" of the Texas Hill Country. If you think differently, let us know what and why.

Note that for some of the 21 counties, not all of their area is within the Hill Country.
  • Counties (8) entirely within the Hill Country: Bandera, Blanco, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Llano, Mason, Real
  • Counties (13) partially within the Hill Country (percent of area in parenthesis): Burnet (90%), Comal (98%), Edwards (20%), Hays (95%), Kimble (45%), Lampasas (35%), McCulloch (40%), Medina (25%), Menard (35%), San Saba (65%), Travis (30%), Uvalde (40%), Williamson (5%). Note: these percentages are rough, visual approximations by the Portal Editor, and are not scientifically measured and calculated.
Perhaps such a definition does not matter. The NY Times 6/1/08 Travel Section (see rated the Texas Hill Country as the #1 destination for US tourist summer travel. Not sure we need this ranking. We know what we have here.

Ranching and farming have been the key industries in the Hill Country since the days the settlers arrived in the mid to late 1800s, and they continue as major components of the overall local economy. With the ensuing economic development and construction of area-wide infrastructure (transportation, roads, electrification, refrigeration, communications and public works facilities), tourism developed and continues to expand here because of our very favorable climate, natural resources and pristine and beautiful countryside where visitors can relax, camp, RV, hunt, fish, and enjoy water recreation activities. As a recent development and growing trend, the vineyard/winery business has "blossomed" and represents a exploding portion of the overall local economy [Note, Grape vines were cultivated in Texas as far back as the 1600s, making this one of the oldest and most prolific wine-growing states. Facts and statistics per Texas Governor's office web site]. Some 30+ wineries in the area provide a near year-round draw of some five million tourists who in turn eat, sleep and play here, spending the dollars they transport here to the Hill Country. Because of these desirable attributes, the development and population of the Hill Country continues, much to the chagrin of many of the those who are already here. Many fear that our much sought "special" area is evolving into the very kind of congested, over-built, sub-divided, polluted and thirsty environment from which newcomers are trying to escape.
What are your views? Questions

There is no regional government in the Hill Country, and much of the land is unincorporated. While there are county, state and federal regulations and initiatives that apply in this regard, there is virtually no area-wide governing of issues that deeply impact the quality and sustenance of life here, as well as degradation or maintenance of high-interest attributes of this area. Water availability is probably the biggest issue, along with pollution, crime control, infrastructure development, predator control, wild-fire mitigation, higher education, transportation, and economic development, to name a few areas. Local and semi-regional interest groups, such as conservation districts and underground water districts, continue their attempts to influence the direction of these areas. Should more be done, and by whom and how? What are your thoughts?

What else is so special about the Hill Country? We are widely known for our juicy Stonewall peaches, pit barbecue, country-western music and historic, wood-floor, boot-scoot'in, dance halls. We have real rodeos with real horses and rawhide tough cowboys. We have kids summer camps, exotic hunting and fly fishing for trout. Water recreation (swimming, boating, kayaking, tubing) is very popular on our many spring-fed rivers and lakes. We are blessed with an abundance of local, state and federal parks of premium quality. And, the visual and performing arts are surprising well represented here. All of this is well decorated with the gorgeous spring wildflowers that most folks worship and time their travel here to coincide. And yes, we have millions of friendly bats. We also have antiques, micro-breweries, summer camps, day spas, healing spas, car shows, caverns, caves, real dude ranches, festivals, historic forts, golf courses, and lavender farms. Throw in some delicious Medina apples, lots of quaint BnB's and scenic, winding, hilly motorcycling routes that create memories. Don't forget our artifact-filled museums to round out a plethora of fun activities that continuously draw throngs of jealous, wishful visitors from the cities. With the largely German and mid-European ancestry of the settlers, many of whom chose this area because of the picturesque resemblance to the green mountains and valleys of Germany, we enjoy respect the heritage of those pioneers and enjoy the food, drink and celebration that is their culture. We have a lot. And we love it all!

Lots of folks believe the Hill Country is not about land, regulations and boundary definitions, but rather reflects the type of folks who live here, their spirit and approach to life, and the special atmosphere that prevails. How will this evolve? What do you think?

Thank God for the Hill Country. It is precious!

If you have opinions, research, facts, or otherwise to share about this or any aspect of the Hill Country, please send to the Portal Editor,

Wikipedia Definition Of Texas Hill Country: Wiki

Handbook Of Texas, On-line Definition Of Texas Hill Country: Handbook

  • All of the Texas Hill Country is in the Central Standard Time (CST) zone, (UTC -6 hours)
  • Telephone land-line area codes (just 3): 325, 512, 830 (note, cell phone area codes vary because of national and carrier "number portability")
  • Pedernales is pronounced: "PER-Den-Aal-Es", Burnet is pronounced like "LEARN-IT, DERN-It, Hye like "HI y'all", Leakey like "LAKE-e", Llano like "LAN-o", and Tow like "cow".


See our special Portal focus topic page on: Maps



211 Phone Helpline2-1-1 TEXAS: Formerly "First Call for Help", this is a free, multilingual, comprehensive, confidential, community information and referral service for the South Central Texas area. People in need of information or assistance can simply dial 2-1-1 to be referred to local resources. Staffed by trained professionals who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This program helps link callers to the exact services they need: helping them find housing, food, clothing, health care, education, employment, counseling/support groups, government resources, volunteer opportunities, disaster information and much more. Provided through a partnership with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO).
Dial 2-1-1 to speak to an operator.

ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION, CAPITAL OF TEXAS CHAPTER: 512-241-0420; 512-241-0430, 24 hour helpline 800-367-2132; 3429 Executive Center Dr, Ste 100, Austin 78731. Premier source of information and support for the 4.5 million Americans with Alzheimers disease. Offer a broad range of programs and services for people with the disease, their families, and their caregivers. Services include: Help Line, support groups, education seminars, introduction to Alzheimer’s, safe return, respite care, family consultations, and memory screenings. Relay For Life

RELAY FOR LIFE: Fundraising supports American Cancer Society and their search for a cure for cancer.

AMERICAN RED CROSS, Hill Country Chapter: 830-257-4677;
333 Earl Garrett St, Kerrville, TX 78028. A humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by Red Crossits Congressional Charter and the fundamental principles of the International Red Cross Movement, that provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. Serves Blanco, Gillespie, Mason, Menard, Kimble, Kerr and Sutton counties.

AREA AGENCY ON AGING OF CAPITAL AREA: 888-622-9111; 2512 IH-35 S, Ste 340, Austin, TX 78704. Promotes independence for people sixty years or older and their caregivers. Offers benefits counseling, ombudsman program, care coordination, and caregiver support program.

AUSTIN RESOURCE CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING (ARCIL): 512-396-5790 or 800-572-2973; 618 S Guadalupe, Ste 103, San Marcos, TX 78666. Provides independent living services to persons with disabilities, their families and communities.


BCFS HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES KERRVILLE TRANSITION CENTER: 830-896-0993; 1105 E Main St, Kerrville, TX 78028. A "one stop shop" that offers case management, counseling, sheltering, and life skills training to at-risk young adults.


CARTS (Capital Area Rural Transportation System): 800-456-RIDE or 800-456-7433 2010 E 6 St, Austin, TX 78745. Local transportation assistance for 169 communities since 1979. Discounts for senior citizens and disabled individuals available for all CARTS services.

CASA FOR THE HIGHLAND LAKES AREA: 325-388-3440; 1719 Ridgeview, Kingsland, TX 78639. Court appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is an adult willing to stand up for an abused or neglected child. A CASA volunteer is appointed by a judge to provide factual information to the court on behalf of a child caught in a difficult legal process. A CASA speaks on behalf of the child’s best interest.

CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF CENTRAL TEXAS: 512-753-9738; 1817 E 6 St, Austin, TX 78702. Assists individuals in successfully completing the application process for the following programs such that determination of eligibility can be made by the Health & Human Service Commission: Medicaid, Food Stamps, CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), Long-Term Care Services. Immigration legal services available including determination of eligibility for immigration benefits, applications for lawful permanent resident status for those who qualify, applications for naturalization, immigration assistance for victims of domestic violence and other serious crimes, answers to questions about immigration laws, regulations and procedures.

CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE: 512-556-2969; 254-526-7161 In State: 1-800-223-4760 Out of State: 1-800-792-3348; POB 1800, Killeen, TX 76540-1800. The CTC Service Area Campus provides college credit and non-credit classes to the citizens of Central Texas in the following counties: Bell, Burnet, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Llano, Mason, McCulloch, Mills, San Saba and Williamson. These classes are offered on a semester basis. CTC Community Coordinators are located in Brady, Burnet, Gatesville, Hamilton, Lampasas and San Saba. Classroom courses, academic and vocational programs, distance education, dual and concurrent enrollment for high school students.
Central Texas Food Bank
CENTRAL TEXAS FOOD BANK: 512-282-2111; 6500 Metropolis Dr, Austin, TX 78744. Charity mission is to nourish hungry people and lead the community in ending hunger. Serves: Blanco, Burnet, Gillespie, Hays, Lampasas, Llano, San Saba, Travis and Williamson counties


COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE TEXAS HILL COUNTRY: 830-896-8811; POB 291354, 301 Junction Hwy, Ste 346-B, Main Wells Fargo Bank Building at Five Points, Kerrville, TX 78028. Non-Profit that supports the programs of charitable organizations that benefit the entire Texas Hill Country by providing grant funds.

COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE, CENTRAL TEXAS WING: 512-396-1943; San Marcos Regional Airport, 1841 Airport Dr, Bldg 2249, San Marcos, TX 78666. Vintage military aircraft in the 1943 vintage wooden hangar and museum. Donation admission.

CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY ACTION (formerly Central Texas Opportunities, Inc.): 325-597-3566, 800-625-4167; 1000 S Wall, Brady, TX 76825. Educational Services, Social Services. (CTO) is a 501-C-3 nonprofit organization that assists low-income individuals and families to become more self-sufficient and transition out of poverty.

DIETERT CENTER: 830-792-4044; 451 Guadalupe St, Kerrville, TX 78028. A non-profit dedicated to older men and women live healthy, productive and independent lives.

(The) GERMAN-TEXAN HERITAGE SOCIETY: 855-892-6691; 507 E 10th St, Austin, TX 78768-4171. Preserving the Texas Hill Country German heritage and culture.

Habitat For Humanity HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: A nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry that builds a decent place to live with people in need regardless of race or religion. Welcome volunteers and supporters from all backgrounds.


HIGHLAND LAKES FAMILY CRISIS CENTER: 830-693-3656 or 800-66-HELP-4; POB 805, Marble Falls, TX 78654. Serves victims of domestic violence and sexual assault throughout Burnet, Blanco, Llano and Lampasas Counties. Provides 24 hotline for counseling, information, and referral. Provides 24 hour crisis intervention, advocacy and accompaniment through medical and legal procedures. Offers emergency shelter, food, clothes, and transportation. Provides coordination of the Sexual Assault Response Team. Provides outreach counseling for adults and children.

HIGHLAND LAKES HONOR GUARD: All gave some, Some gave all. A non-profit group honoring our departed comrades with dignity and respect. Charles F. Taylor, Commander, 325-248-0450, ; Alan Jensen, Deputy Commander, 254-338-9159,

HIGHLAND LAKES LEGACY FUND-AUSTIN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION: 830-220-1100; POB 234, Marble Falls, TX 78654. An endowed foundation directed by leaders with strong ties to our communities in Central Texas, that acts as catalysts bringing diverse donors and resources together to work on solutions and fostering greater giving and volunteering. Hill Country Alliance: education, conservation, cooperation

HILL COUNTRY ALLIANCE: 512-894-2214; 1322 US-290 W, Suite D, Dripping Springs, TX 78620. A non-profit organization whose purpose is to raise public awareness and build community support around the need to preserve the natural resources and heritage of the Central Texas Hill Country.

Amateur Radio Emergency Com HILL COUNTRY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB: POB 2003, Kerrville, TX 78029. Station N5HR. Repeater: 146.38/98, Tone: 162.2 Hz

HILL COUNTRY ANIMAL LEAGUE: 830-249-2341; 924 Main St, Boerne, TX 78006.

HILL COUNTRY ASTRONOMERS: Fredericksburg, TX 78624.,

HILL COUNTRY AUTOMOBILE CLUB: POB 293002, Kerrville, TX 78029.

HILL COUNTRY CATTLE WOMEN CHAPTER OF TEXAS CATTLE WOMEN: Contact: Beverly Lacy, 830-229-5604. Promotes and supports the production of the beef industry, and supports private property rights by encouraging state and federal legislation to maintain those rights. Non-profit, non-political. Meetings 3rd Tue, but no meetings in July, Aug, Nov, Dec. Time: 10-10:30a Social. A program usually follows the business meeting. Cost varies, according to meeting place, and this is for the luncheon (Beef, of course!!) which follows each meeting. No cost for attending just the meeting and not having lunch. Annual dues $30. Held in different area of the Hill Country and planned by members living in that area. Members from 12 counties across the Hill Country. Monthly newsletter.

HILL COUNTRY CHILDREN'S ADVOCACY CENTER: 512-756-2607; POB 27, 1001 N Hill St, Burnet, TX 78611. "Believe the Hurt, Begin the Healing", Serves Blanco, Burnet, Lampasas, Llano, Mason & San Saba Counties. Multi-disciplinary agency facilitates the prevention, detection, investigation and treatment of Child Abuse. Provides free services to abused children and their families. Agency provides services to physically and sexually abused children, witnesses, non-offending family members, and the professionals dedicated to helping victims. Provides video-taped forensic interviews, written statement assistance, on-site medical examinations, evaluations, and referrals. Annual fund-raising event: Pedal Power Wildflower Ride.

HILL COUNTRY CHILDREN'S THEATER: 830-990-5752; POB 304, Fredericksburg, TX 78624.". Mission is to provide a safe environment where the talents, dreams and aspirations of children can flourish, and to reach out to those children who would most benefit from this program.

HILL COUNTRY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION: 512-755-0106; Reed Bldg, 402 E Jackson St, Burnet, TX 78611. Schoarships

HILL COUNTRY COMMUNITY NEEDS COUNCIL: 830-997-9756; 209 S Acorn St, POB 73, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. Contact: Cindy Heifner, 830-997-9756

Hill Country Conservancy: preserving the natural beauty and open spaces of the Texas Hill Country - forever HILL COUNTRY CONSERVANCY: 512-328-2481; POB 163125, Austin, TX 78716-3125; 5524 Bee Caves Rd, Ste G4, Austin, TX 78746. A nonprofit land trust committed to preserving the natural beauty and open spaces of the Texas Hill Country - forever.

(The) HILL COUNTRY COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS: 210-269-8349; 102 City Park Rd, Boerne, TX 78006. Mission is to develop and sustain an environment that supports and promotes awareness, appreciation, education and access to all the Arts. As a 501c3 nonprofit organization we strive to be an inclusive resource for all the arts, artists, arts organizations, and supporters of the Arts throughout the Texas Hill Country.

HILL COUNTRY CRISIS COUNCIL: 830-257-7088; Kerrville, TX 78028. Individual or group counseling for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault. Provides emergency shelter.

HILL COUNTRY DAILY BREAD: 830-249-0025; 140 Industrial Dr, Boerne, TX 78006. HCDBM is a faith-based, regional ministry that provides physical, emotional and spiritual support to more than 8,200 people living in poverty in the Texas Hill Country.

HILL COUNTRY DULCIMERS: 830-997-6704; 715 S Washington St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. Watch as handcrafted dulcimers are crafted from scratch. A dulcimer is a narrow, often hourglass-shaped, stringed instrument having 3 or 4 strings and a fretted fingerboard, typically held flat across the knees while sitting and played by plucking or strumming.

HILL COUNTRY FILM SOCIETY: Fredericksburg, TX 78624. A non-profit organization that supports the art, craft and business of independent film within the Texas Hill Country. Hosts the annual celebration of independent film and film makers held in April-May. Over 25 short and feature films from all over the world will be showcased during the festival. 424-238-5672.

HILL COUNTRY FRUIT COUNCIL: 830-644-2344; 659 Gold Rush Trail, Fredericksburg, TX 78624.

HILL COUNTRY LAND TRUST: 830-997-0027; 320 W San Antonio St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. Located in the historic Jenschke House, part of the Gillespie County Historical Society's Pioneer Museum complex. The HCLT operates in a 19-county service area to conserve and protect the agricultural lands, wildlife habitat, views, and watersheds of the Texas Hill Country. Currently the trust holds 17 donated conservation easements protecting approximately 5,000 acres.


HILL COUNTRY MENTAL HEALTH & DEVELOPMENT DISABILITIEES CENTERS (MHDD): Crisis Phone: 877-466-0660; Admin HQ Phone, Kerrville: 830-792-3300; Administrative Headquarters, 819 Water St, Ste 300, Kerrville, TX 78028. Boerne: 830-249-4180. Providing mental health, individual developmental disability, substance abuse, and early childhood intervention services throughout the greater Texas Hill Country.

HILL COUNTRY ONE HUNDRED CLUB: An organization of area business people whose mission is to support local police officers, fire fighters and emergency medical service agencies who serve within the Blanco, Burnett, Llano and Lampasas County areas. Financial benefits of the Club are provided to personnel of law enforcement, firefighters and emergency medical service agencies who are killed, seriously injured or disabled in the line of duty within the service are of the Club or elsewhere as approved by the Benefit Committee or Board of Directors. When applicable, financial benefits will be paid to the heirs, dependents or designated beneficiary of the deceased, injured or disabled person. The eligibility for benefits and the recipients thereof in each case shall be within the discretion of the Benefit Committee or the Board. Please consider a membership or donation to support those that support us! Contact: Larry Hauptrief, 903-819-6324

HILL COUNTRY RECORDING FOR THE HANDICAPPED: 209 S Acorn St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. Records 60 minute tapes of articles from local newspaper and church newsletters, on a weekly basis and distributes to participants. Contact: Peggy Hartwein, 830-997-0399

HILL COUNTRY SPCA: 830-990-9085; 2981 TX-16 S, Fredericksburg, TX 78624.

HILL COUNTRY STUDENT HELP, INC: 102 E San Antonio St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. Contact: Helen Birk, 830-997-1013. Loans available to use toward college costs.

HILL COUNTRY VETERANS COUNCIL: 830-257-4353; 1700 Sidney Baker St, Kerrville, TX 78028. Supports US veterans interests.

HILL COUNTRY VIEW RADIO SHOW: A short radio feature packed with information about caring for the natural resources and cultural heritage of the Hill Country. Produced by Hill Country Alliance (see above), Explores the critical issues facing the Hill County today with topics of high interest to residents and visitors of this unique region. The program offers ideas and information on ways to grow that promote economic vitality, and preserve the natural resources and heritage of this special region. Program airs weekdays during Morning Edition and All Things Considered on Texas Public Radio KTXI-90.1FM in the Hill Country.

HILL COUNTRY YOUTH EXHIBIT CENTER: TX-27 E, Kerrville, TX 78028. Provides residents of Kerr County and adjacent counties an opportunity to exhibit their finished skills and recognizes their achievements. Hosts the Annual Kerr County Fair that includes parade through downtown Kerrville, carnival, contests, scholarship pageants, 4H & FFA livestock exhibits, food & drink, music, dancing, team roping and the exciting bull and barrel contest. Chili and barbeque cook-offs (CASI & CTBA sanctioned), petting zoo and pony rides. Old-fashioned family fun with something for everyone! 830-257-6833

HILL COUNTRY YOUNG PROFESSIONALS: 210-549-6884; Fredericksburg, TX 78624. A group of young, career-oriented individuals fostering community leadership through networking, professional development and community service.

HILL COUNTRY YOUTH ORCHESTRAS: 830-257-0809; 321 Thompson Dr, Kerrville, TX 78028. Bringing the joy of the ?orchestra experience to the youth of the Texas Hill Country.

HOTLINES: Click: Now! for telephone assistance from specialists regarding abuse, missing people, suicide and other emergencies. Also Dial 911

(RAY & JOAN) KROC CORPS COMMUNITY CENTER - (The) SALVATION ARMY KERRVILLE KROC CENTER: 830-315-5762; 201 Holdsworth, Kerrville, TX 78028. Open to the public.

MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM: 877-MED-TRIP or 877-633-8747; Generally, when persons currently enrolled in Medicaid have no other transportation, MTP will make sure they get a ride to a reasonable close, Medicaid-allowable health-care service using the most cost-effective method of transportation that does not endanger their health. Medicaid clients can get a free ride to health care services (and back) if: they have a current Medicaid Identification Card or Medicaid Verification Letter and they have no other way to get there. Special rules apply to minors.

MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING (MADD): Mission is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking. Elizabeth Sooter, 830-868-4173

Protecting Nature. Preserving Life. (The) NATURE CONSERVANCY: 800-628-6860; The leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.


TEXAS ESCAPES MAGAZINE ONLINE: A common sense and uncommon guide to small town Texas.
Red Hatters
RED HATTERS: A global society of women that supports and encourages women in their pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom, fulfillment, and fitness.

SCENIC TEXAS-SCENIC HILL COUNTRY: 512-250-0411; 12325 Hymeadow Dr, Ste 2-100, Austin, TX 78750. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of our state’s visual environment, particularly as seen by the traveling public. Scenic Hill Country will initially focus its efforts in Bandera, Blanco, Burnet, Gillespie, Hays, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Llano, Mason, Travis and Williamson counties, and may expand its boundaries in the future. The Scenic Hill Country Chapter will work to preserve, protect and enhance the Hill Country's scenic vistas by educating the region on the values and principles of the Scenic City Certification Program, a project of Scenic Texas and its program partners. The Scenic Hill Country Chapter will work to preserve, protect and enhance the Hill Country’s scenic vistas by educating the region on the values and principles of the Scenic City Certification Program, a project of Scenic Texas and its program partners. Additionally, the chapter will assist municipalities in improving their lighting regulations and promoting the Scenic Roadways Program.

Blood & Tissue Center SOUTH TEXAS BLOOD & TISSUE CENTER: 830-522-0178; This non-profit center provides blood for all of the Hill Country. Rita Holmberg Woodman, Donor Recruitment Consultant, Hill Country Representative. Anyone who is 16 years old weighing 120 pounds (with parental consent form), or at least 17 years old weighing 110 pounds, and in good general health can donate blood. Photo ID Required. Call to arrange a local blood drive.

TEXAS HOUSING FOUNDATION: 830-693-4521; 1110 Broadway, Marble Falls, TX 78654. Mission is to promote adequate, affordable housing, economic opportunity, and a suitable living environment for the families they serve, without discrimination. Goal is to be the area’s affordable housing of choice.


Preserve, protect and promote the cultural, historic and natural resources of its 19 counties. An opportunity to learn more about heritage sites cities and attractions to build your own itinerary and plan your adventure. Provided by the Texas Historical Commission, Texas Heritage Trails Program.

HILL COUNTRY BLOG: 365 Things To Do In The Texas Hill Country. Periodic postings by blogger Don Gray. Places to go, things to enjoy, restaurants, lodging, drives, etc. Texas Historical Commission

TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION: See State-Federal Government Texas Master Gardeners

TEXAS MASTER GARDENERS: A non-profit organization under the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Program. Mission is to disseminate horticulture education on gardening, water conservation, soil maintenance, native & earthkind planting.

TEXAS MASTER NATURALISTS: A non-profit organization under the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Program in concert with Texas Parks & Wildlife. Mission is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, Texas Master Naturalistsand service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities.

TEXAS TALKING BOOK PROGRAM: 800-252-9605; Offers free library service for people unable to read standard print due to visual, physical, or organic reading disabilities. 80,000 books and 80 magazines are available as recorded cassettes, large print, and Braille books. All services are free, including playback machines and postage. Eligible veterans receive priority service. Materials are mailed free directly to the reader's address.

TEXCARE PARTNERSHIP (CHIP & CHILDREN’S MEDICAID): POB 142976, Austin, TX 78714-9983; 800-647-6558; TexCare offers two separate children's health insurance programs, CHIP and Children's Medicaid. Both programs provide health insurance for children at a price that fits the budgets of Texas families. Rates are flexible and are based on the number of people in your family and your family's income and expenses. Children do not have to be US citizens to apply.

TOUR TEXAS: Free Texas tourism information.

ULTIMATE GIFT OF LIFE: 830-793-9197; POB 295071, Kerrville, TX 78028. Kristy Vandenberg, Executive Director, c: 713-397-6176, Organ transplants are one of the great medical advances of our time, saving thousands of lives each year. While many are registered, more are needed. Turn a time of loss into a time of hope. Organ donation. Register via above web link or directly at Kristy Vandernberg, Executive Director, c: 713-397-6176,

NOTE: For other Hill Country-wide non-profit and social services resources, see the above menu for Hill Country Focus Topics.






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